** Important Message **
Iron Infusions are still AVAILABLE. Click Here
The Midwifery Centre is currently CLOSED
This is likely a permanate closure. No pregnancy or postnatal care is available. For Postnatal Midwifery care / TENS hire or Lactation Support, Please contact Felicity at My Birth Geelong.

Why use the Shared Care Midwife Model?
The Midwifery Centre provides shared maternity care to women planning to give birth at University Hospital Geelong.
Shared maternity care means that during your pregnancy, your care is split between a community based midwife at The Midwifery Centre, and your local birthing hospital.
Shared Care is deigned for low risk pregnancies, however most women will be able to access some degree of shared care
As a private health service, The Midwifery Centre care attracts an out-of-pocket expense.
Each pregnancy visit is charged at $80.00 with a $50.00 rebate available from Medicare. Your first and third visit with us are Bulk Billed via Medicare.
Schedule of Visits
Every pregnancy is unique. Below is the basic schedule of visits for a low risk pregnancy. Please note, this may differ from your pregnancy journey.
Early Pregnancy - GP visit for referral to a health service
10-16 week (First Visit with University Hospital Geelong)
16 weeks
20 weeks
24 weeks
28 weeks
31 weeks
34 weeks
36 weeks
38 weeks
40 weeks
41 weeks (back to UHG)
Indicative Costs
Each pregnancy situation is unique, so the associated costs can vary.
An indicative estimate of costs for a low risk pregnancy, with all visits attended by the The Midwifery Centre would be:
Total Upfront Cost: $560
Out of pocket cost (after rebates): $210